Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Taste of Temptation

One can only think of foolish, absurd things if he subconsciously or readily blanks himself out with the people who truly are concerned about him. Emptying the mind with flashes of family and friends, and filling it up with the conscious desire to jump to the unknown, but with a surefire fleeting little evil, dissolves his moral fiber (sounds familiar from the movie, The Girl Next Door?) into a figment of irreparable damage. If he could only hold on to the rope, then he would have already awarded himself with more than just a passing rate and saved himself from unpleasant repercussions.

Life is often like that -- a never-ending trial to endure and a hurdle of temptations. But time and again, on an obvious note, life is a choice you make.

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  1. @Photoblogger: I know! I can attest to that...Haha! :)

  2. temptation will always be temptation its how you deal with it ^^

  3. @Louie: And always be a man enough to face the consequences when you do. ;)

  4. Wow... I can feel four dimensions here. Hmmmm...

  5. @peenkfrik: I'm not sure about the four dimensions. Trying to decipher its meaning. Haha! ;)

  6. nice info, keep your spirit on!
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  7. Most of the time, what is bad really feels good. But we should all learn how to keep ourselves as disciplined as possible. We all should always think of the outcome of every action.

  8. very true, life is what you make it, your choice and no other...

  9. Hi Joemill! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and following! I appreciate it, so here it goes, the "traditional" welcome: "Hope you don't regret, enjoy the ride" :D
    cool blog btw!

  10. @odds and ends: That's where the irony of it comes in. It's an absolute test of character. ;)

  11. @Lindz: It's a battle against oneself. Thanks! :)

  12. Well, there are no wrong decisions only painful consequences. Either you face it or walk away from it. Temptation is a test of personal control. I would say somehow it is not evil to let yourself loose and learn from it. It is part life, much more on being human! Kudos 2 life! aiks! ;)...nice blog bru!

  13. I read about it some days ago in another blog and the main things that you mention here are very similar
