Sunday, June 27, 2010

MacArthur Landing Memorial Park (Red Beach, Palo, Leyte)


I have returned. By the grace of the Almighty God our forces stand again on Philippine soil – soil consecrated in the blood of our two peoples. We have come dedicated and committed to the task of destroying every vestige of enemy cordial over your daily lives, and of restoring, upon a foundation of indestructible strength, the liberties of your people.

At my side is your President, Sergio Osmeña, worthy successor of that great patriot Manuel Quezon, with members of his cabinet. The seat of your government is now therefore firmly re-established on Philippine soil.

The hour of your redemption is here. Your patriots have demonstrated an unswerving and resolute devotion to the principles of freedom that challenges the best that is written on the pages of human history. I now call upon your supreme effort that the enemy may know from the temper of an aroused and outraged people within that he has a force there to contend with no less violent than is the force committed from without.

Rally to me. Let the indomitable spirit of Bataan and Corregidor lead on. As the lines of battle roll forward to bring you within the zone of operations, rise and strike. Strike at every favorable opportunity. For your homes and hearths, strike! strike! For future generations of your sons and daughters, strike! In the name of your sacred dead, strike! Let no heart be faint. Let every arm be steeled. The guidance of divine God points the way. Follow in His Name to the Holy Grail of righteous victory!

A walk down history lane

Red Beach and the grassy park

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  1. When I was in college Mac Arthur has a Statue inside Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila but few years ago it was transferred to Mac Arthur Bridge.
    Zoobic Safari experience

  2. Haven't been here. Someday I'll be. :)

    Guess you're a lucky guy. The sun's always out the skies are blue every time you take photos. ;)

  3. Did you jump over the knee-high pool? :)

  4. off-topic: MacArthur once wrote a prayer "build me a son..." and had a son, Arthur. Little is known about this son but definitely he wasn't a soldier like his dad and grandpa.

  5. How come the famous Mac Arthur pipe could not be seen in the pictures, i remember his famous words...i'll return (to the Philippines)

  6. Wow. Leyte is such a beautiful place. i wish I could go here Alone.

  7. My instructor told us that the statues there is giant in size, moreover she visualize that we are only in knee level of that statue. Basing on your taken pictures, I conclude that she's wrong:(. That's why i really and craving to go there!

  8. @Anonymous: True that the statues are giant-sized but definitely not towering. I say, they're over 6 feet. :) You should go there! :)
