The long journey resigns from its countless twists and turns. It now rests at the bosom of comfort, still, but discards stagnation. Drafted at the onset of a willing mind, it catches up with freedom brought forth by the red machinery riding on the crests and troughs inside the left rib cage.
Called upon through the silence of intention, attraction, charm, fascination, and trance, contour the landscape of a soul moved to finding its sole pair. The soul is made kinetic, knocked down by its own medicine, where doubts and reservations are cast to a thousand folds of oblivion, tossed upwards, and disappeared.
As soothing as any word uttered by your first kin, and as dulcet as the song on replay, the sweetest emotion forms out of mouth and is frozen in delicate time. It is the force behind the present state of the soul.
The future is up with bounty hidden in the garden of optimism. And will it ever be found in this lifetime? There begs to be no definite answer.
Luck compares itself to treasure buried beneath the deep trenches of the sea, or washed up on the unguarded, empty shore, shining under the harsh sun, on the loose, awaiting to be seized or repossessed. May it be found, may it be stranded, in the soul’s new beginning.
Image: Phuket, Thailand
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