A weakling, you were. A disaster in all its nakedness nobody wouldn't even want to see, nor get involved with. Failures were in the offing the moment you opened your mouth, and when you did what your mama had told you to.
Cracked a voice. Stumbled down on even your first walk.
It's a crippling truth, making you a big joke running around your circle.
It hurt you like the sharpest knife stabbed in your heart, in your back, and in your soul.
You couldn't even leave home to welcome the new sunshine, which was never one to you each day. All was dark within the four walls of asphyxia.
But you took everything that was being said, the ugliest most especially, to heart like a true valiant warrior, and made a vow only time would tell.
I will make it, you had told that to yourself.
You had grown seeds, a master plan, for a new beginning, swelling muscles, stretching tender joints, almost breaking bones, reaching limits -- your potential ready for the taking.
And now here you are, a virtuosic master, fluid and compelling, on your own big stage.
Be proud of yourself, as proud as the loudest applause the four walls of the theater could contain.

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