Monday, May 31, 2010

Celebrating Life at Cebu Wetland Resort

Pedal-paddle boats

We celebrated my brother’s birthday at Cebu Wetland Resort last May 8. Should have been a double celebration, though, because my brother and sister share the same birthday, but she couldn’t make it for now, maybe only until next year.

It was 7:30 A.M. when we arrived at the place. But we had to wait outside because the gate was closed yet and realized we’re just way too early. My father went in to an opening at the side of the gate that’s still being constructed and asked to have the gate opened. Fortunately, the wait wasn’t that long, and so we rushed in. Time to celebrate!

What a great way to spend summer and wow, mark an end to my allergic rhinitis and acute tonsillitis that had caused me to call in sick for 2 days! :)

The pool

Located in Tagunol, Basak, Pardo, Cebu Wetland Resort gives you a different feel of a highly urbanized Cebu. It is possible to go swimming, fishing, and boating packed in one in this bustling city. If you crave for fresh fruits and veggies, and just dine in with a live band in the background, then go visit Cebu Wetland Resort.

Some helpful info for you guys:
Entrance (swimming) – P100 per person; P70 for kids below 12
Room – P1500
Boating – P50 per person
Fishing – P20 per fishing rod; if you want to keep your catch, fish is sold per kilo for P180
• a Live Band plays on Saturdays and Sundays at 5:00 P.M. – 9:00 P.M.
For more info, please call tel. no: (032) 272-6860 / 261-9910

Floating restaurants
The pond
Love the peaceful view
A view from the pool
Kangkong (water spinach/swamp cabbage) and mango plantations
Tilapia. Food. Restaurant. Fishing

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  1. I adore your blog, the descriptions of your photos, the memories of your travels. Your entries are like snapshot, brief but complete.

  2. @Cindy: I'm humbled. Thank you so so much. :)

  3. hi joe!

    please visit my blog:

  4. Sharing birthdays with your siblings may not seem like a happy prospect in your childhood but as you grow up it doesn't sound that bad. I wouldn't mind celebrating my birthday with my brother or sister. I'm very shy when it comes to my own birthday! LOL

    Love the pictures...Last time I've been to a water park was 4 or 5 years ago...

  5. I'm not sure if my brother and my sister have problems living with it or just want to have their "own" day. But more likely than my guess, they're enjoying it. Me too! I'm not comfortable celebrating it! Never been. Ha ha!

    Thanks! I appreciate that!

  6. the photos are just fantastic, keep them coming Joe

  7. im going to visit cebu this coming october, wetland sounds interesting, how to get ther??


    i didnt know you have a blog... i found this link sent by my friend about Cebu Wetland and i was very shocked to see you own it!! awesome blog!!! i wish i could do the same with mine :D :D

    Miss you friend!!

    -Malshania (you know who I am :) ;)

  9. joe.... im so proud of you... i just had the chance to see this site through your page in facebook... after i found out all your works.. i was truly amazed and still delighted at the thought that you made all these... im so proud of you...

  10. @Malshania: thanks!!! just share your link... :)

    @anna liza: thank you anna!!! :) take care always! God bless you! :)

  11. wla ra ba bai pag-adto nako. pero try lng ug tawag. basin naa na ron. :)

  12. pila nay entrance karon? joe mao ra japon

  13. dili ko sure karon. mas maayo tawagan nimo, bai :)

  14. do you have wetland's contact number?

  15. Hi, Anna. Yoy may try these numbers, 272-6860 and 261-9910.

  16. Looks like a great place. Must visit this soon. =)

  17. hello, tag pila inyung rate sa cottages?

  18. Is there a corkage if you bring foods or drinks inside?
