Friday, April 3, 2009

The Smoker's Body

It is too ironic how millions with a pipe clenched in between their lips can be so indifferent to something I personally think is a dead match between their already susceptible body and an obvious killer. There's no denying that while they indulge themselves in doing it, they are making a major cutthroat of whatever are sustaining their body.

So why smoke? Every smoker must ask himself this question and provide an answer. Answers can go from peer pressure, self-gratification, the weather, to coping mechanism, especially to those battling psychological issues. It might seem to them the absolute and only answer, but no more when its effects are already presenting themselves right in front of their face, and then the body goes unforgiving.

This is an attempt to distract you, dear smoker, by telling you a friendly advice that smoking doesn't do you any good.

Please click on this very image, and do care to read the numbered texts.

Image: Cebu City, Philippines

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  1. Looda sa picture uy... murag alien. :D

  2. Dugay na kau ko kita ana na pic sa amo school. Amo nalang gud na binuangan...

    Taga Cebu ka? Join naka Cebu Bloggers Society?

  3. @Anonymous: aw ma-alien jud ka kung mgsige ka ing-ani! hehe. ;)

    @Bryan Karl: o naa ra ko dri sugbu. dli ko member cebu bloggers. pwde ba kaapil?

  4. Yikes....that is not a very pretty sight at all.

    I never could understand why people so what they do to their bodies.

    They treat them worse than crawling insects.

    I have always believed our bodies are gifts and that we should respect and nurture them as such.

    Thank you for your reality check pf a post.

    have a good day!

  5. I try to stop smoking but till this day I always loose :((

  6. Yep pwede ka mu-join. Hatagi ko sa imo e-mail ad hatagan tika ug form...


  7. @Dorothy L, @Blogger Rise @simpolnibai: Thanks for your opinion and your honesty! ;)

    @Bryan Karl: All right! Send lng to: joemill.flordelis[at]gmail[dot]com. Salamat bai.

  8. ahm..y don't u join CBS?your blog is nice..

  9. @simpolnibai: thanks! already processing my application through Bryan Karl.

  10. I'm not a smoker but I wonder how the rest of my family would react to this....

  11. @peenkfrik: Hope after reading this, there's a change of heart, heart against cigarettes. ;)

  12. tsk tsk tsk.. no to smoking..
    they are not only harming their own selves,
    but also the people around them...

    btw.. ive been looking for this pic for a lonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggg time.. can i ask a permission to use this in my post for future use..?

  13. @jeremae: sure. the pic has a positive message itself, so that shouldn't be a prob. ;) appreciate your comment!

  14. So scare to see it because I'm smoker :(

  15. ganito na ba ang ktawan ko? nyysss...nkakatakot ayoko na magyosi....hehe

  16. @Heryrhey: Glad you see my point. ;)

  17. ..hi..
    ..i found this blog story very interesting.. from panabo city, davao del norte..and an editor-in-chief in our school publication..(4th year HS)..
    ..can i publish this in r newspaper(science and health page)??

  18. hi empathy! sure, that's fine with me. just please give credit where credit is due. you make me miss campus journalism. :)

  19. I tried cigarette smoking may times. Good thing is that when I smoke my body shows bad reaction to it like experiencing non stop coughing for a period of time and I feel like if I continued to smoke It would cause me to have asthma. Do you wonder what are the chemicals being inhaled during smoking check the link for information.
